Hello friends, welcome to this blog of ours, today we are going to tell you in detail about How to reset a Google Wi-Fi device. Many times you forget to reset your wifi password to someone. So today, through this post, we are going to tell you 3 such ways, with the help of which you can easily reset the password of your Google WiFi device.
What is Google Wifi Device?
Google Wi-Fi device is the home Wi-Fi system that is easy and best than your traditional routers and provides proper and reliable Wi-Fi connection throughout your home. It is the wireless router that connects to your Internet and provides an internet connection inside your home.
We know Wi-Fi is the wireless connection in the mobile which connects your mobile your laptop your computer or any other device to your Internet. Wifi is important for the Internet because your Wi-Fi cannot work without the internet.
You can reset the Google Wi-Fi device in various ways to clear data and refresh the device if it is not working properly. If your Google Wi-Fi device is not working properly and is not getting the option use factory reset first.
Resetting your Google Wi-Fi device will help you to clear all the unnecessary data and will help you to provide space and the Wi-Fi device will properly work.
Why reset the Google WiFi Device?
When you reset your Google Wi-Fi device all the data will wipe out and your device will start working smoothly and properly. Also, Google Wi-Fi device information will be protected in preserved for up to six months.
If you reset your Google Wi-Fi device from that device directly then it will preserve the data for 6 months and if you reset your Google Wi-Fi device from the app it will delete the data immediately.
Simple Process To Reset Your Google WiFi Device
- Firstly unplug the power cable of your Wi-Fi device.
- then on the backside of your Google Wi-Fi device, there is a reset button so hold that button.
- during the pressing of the button when the button is depressed then turn on the power source.
- after that when the device lights white color and then white, it lights a blue color and then releases the button.
- after all this procedure if the device lights a blue color and after half a minute or 1 minute if it turns into solid blue color then your device is processing for resetting.
- when your device is on resetting mode and again blue color flashes then your device is reset.
- This is the best and simplest way to reset the Google Wi-Fi device.
How to reset the Google Wi-Fi device with the help of an app?
- Open the Google Wi-Fi App.
- then click on the setting option.
- after that on the interface open the general and network options.
- under the network, you will get and Wi-Fi reset option then click on that Wi-Fi point.
- after that, you will see the factory reset option then click on that factor received then after that click on the confirm button.
- you should not unplug any of the Google Wi-Fi devices while this procedure is going on.
Like this, you can reset your Google Wi-Fi device from the app. These are the two most important ways by which you can easily decide on your Google Wi-Fi device.
Resetting your Google Wi-Fi device from the app will help you to clear the unnecessary data immediately. after resetting your Google Wi-Fi what is the next step
- Unplug your device for 30 seconds after that block the power called to set up your Wi-Fi.
- reset the data or setting and then start your device.
If you are thinking your Google Wi-Fi device is not working properly and you want to sell that Google wifi device before it try this factory reset option.
To reset your Google Wi-Fi device with the help of factor is it you have to do the following steps.
Resetting wifi with the app will erase all your stored data and it will not be recovered This includes your current settings, Cloud services, on the Google Home app.
If you want to keep settings and other cloud services reset your wifi from your device.
To factory reset your Google Wi-Fi device first click and hold on the small received option present on the backside of the device.
- While doing this open the Wi-Fi reset the app
- then go to the setting
- then after going to the setting click on the nest Wi-Fi button
- Then on your interface, you will see and factory reset option.
- Click on the factory reset option.
This factory reset procedure will help you to factory reset your Google Wi-Fi device and will delete all the collected data which is not necessary for your device.
By the above steps, you can reset your Wi-Fi device and it will help you are Wi-Fi device to work smoothly and correctly.
The entire factory reset procedure will take about 10 to 15 minutes and after 10 to 12 minutes your Google device will be reset and your Google Wi-Fi will be ready to set up again.
So if you are looking or you want to delete all the data collected on your device you should prefer Google Wi-Fi App to reset the device.
Some Google Wi-Fi devices do not have the reset button on their device.
If you don’t have the factory reset button on your Google Wi-Fi device then also you can reset your Google Wi-Fi device by using these steps.
Why you should reset your Google WiFi device?
- resetting a Google Wi-Fi device is very important to clear all the unnecessary data which is stored on your device.
- To clear all the browsing information.
- Give your Google Wi-Fi to someone else.
What does the light on your google wifi device indicate?
The light on your Google Wi-Fi device indicates the running status of your device.
- If your device has no light it means the router has no power.
- The device has a solid white color then which means your device is booting up.
- If your devices show yellow color it means there is a network
- If there is a solid yellow color then it means your router is in factory setting mode.
- If you are Google Wi-Fi device is showing red color it means there is something wrong.
Google Wi-Fi is a great Technology but if it is not reset it doesn’t work properly.
So for this, you have to follow these steps
Google has replaced the Google Wi-Fi App with the Google Home app if you are not having this app download it. So resetting your Google Wi-Fi device is easy by using factory reset mode or by using the Home app for the setting of the Google Wi-Fi device.
One of the most important uses of resetting the Wi-Fi device is that all the unnecessary data is erased and it will not harm your device and your device will work properly and smoothly.
While doing or while resetting your Google Wi-Fi device keep in mind that your Google data will be deleted.
Setting your Google Wi-Fi will take only 10 minutes
So resetting your device this process will take only 10 minutes.
Out of this all the methods factory reset method is the best method to reset your Google Wi-Fi device to clear all the data from your cloud which is not necessary for your device and which is harmful to your device and it will work smoothly.
In this post, we have told you How to reset a Google Wi-Fi device? has been told about. Hope you know how to reset your Google WiFi device. Also, you must have got the answer to all the questions that may have come about it. If you have any questions regarding this then you can contact us. If you liked the post, then you can tell by commenting below. Thank you.
FAQs On Google Wifi Device
Q1. How to completely reset Wi-Fi?
Q2. what is the work of Google Wi-Fi?
Q3. How many connectors can one Google Wi-Fi device use?
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